
Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Chester the Boxer

Finally, an update! Phew, I have been so busy, work, work work.. and of course I've been busy at home too.
I would of updated much sooner with my most recent creation.. however he just was not right without a collar... and I can tell you it's an extremely difficult task trying to find such a tiny collar, it's near impossible! So having waited for this collar, it has finally arrived.. therefore I can finally update! Hoorah!

I would like to introduce you to Chester! He is a Boxer Dog pup!

Standing, he is almost 7.5 inches tall and is 5 inches from his chest to the tip of his tail.
His realistic brindle coat is made from a luxurious faux fur with a faux-leather backing. 
His inner ear and paw pads are made from the reverse side of the fabric, they feel extremely soft and realistic. 
His paw pads have been extensively needle sculpted, each foot has four individual toes and a paw pad.
Chester's eyes are German hand-made glass eyes which I have handpainted and have added an eye-catching sparkle! 
His face has been needle-sculpted and needle-felted to acheive that recogniseable Boxer profile.
Chester is 5 way jointed with traditional cotter and pin joints, he is stuffed with various high quality heavy weight stuffings and plastic beads for scrunchability and weight. 

I had a really great time making this little guy, I can't wait to make more puppies in the future!